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“How To Engage & Navigate Your Team Through Change”
Your Training Solutions
Engagement, Soft-Skills & Communication Training
Everybody wants to be heard, valued and acknowledged. Building an effective workplace of the future will require developing compassion, empathy and the ability to see others as unique individuals. It takes emotional intelligence to connect and communicate with others to build trust with the people you lead. The ability to motivate people to be adaptable and perform to their maximum potential depends on being confident in communicating and gaining buy-in specifically when change is necessary and communication is hard.
Leadership Development for Future Success
Leadership Development in these current challenges of the pandemic, The Great Resignation and creating Diverse Workplace Culture will require updated leadership skills beyond the ones of the past and your organization’s success is only as effective as the leaders in charge. Understanding your leadership-style and understanding others is essential to effective leadership in a multi-cultural workforce. Upgrading and developing your leadership skills and that of your team is the way forward to build trust and navigate change for future success in the workplace.
Beyond Loss: Moving Forward with Grief in the Workplace
Organizations are now faced with the reality that employees are bereaved and grieving at an alarming rate. Research indicates unresolved grief cost of $75B in loss productivity, lost business and poor performance. Emotional health and well-being of employees is becoming the top-priority in caring for and retaining employees and providing the needed resources to navigate these current times during the pandemic.
It’s now more important than ever leaders be equipped with compassionate communication skills and grief awareness education to help grievers navigate change and loss in the workplace as well as provide supportive internal resources and ways to create physical and or emotional space for grieving.
Women's Leadership Coaching
Leadership Coaching
Consulting & Partnering
Collaborate with executives to conduct needs assessment, determine potential solutions and design and execute learning content to create a training & learning experience with pre-determined KPIs and continuous improvement to meet specific goals.
Training Seminars & Workshops
Training alone is not enough. Experiential learning and development helps to put new learned behaviors into practice that gets results.
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Embracing Conflict as a Learning Opportunity
Conflict Encourages Open Mindedness. Working together to accomplish organizational goals is tough work. If you’ve ever been in a relationship with ANYONE at ANYTIME then you’ve likely had conflict. For many people conflict is uncomfortable. Others embrace it....
Four Ways to Improve Your Listening Skills When Discussing Racism
📣 CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? Listening is a fine art and one of the most important skills that any person can develop. When listening with the intent to understand, here's what it looks like: 👂🏽Try not to listen to respond (this is extremely difficult). 👂🏽Don't assume you...
The 4 Things That Will Help Create Safe Spaces to Talk About Racism & Injustice
📣 LISTENING AND FEELING HEARD ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS 👉🏽 Everybody wants to feel heard, valued and acknowledged. 👉🏽 Listening is a skill that requires more than just "being present". 👉🏽 Listening is being a heart with ears to make sense of what's being shared and...
How to Manage Grief During the Covid-19 Crisis Pandemic
How organizations can help workers manage grief during and after the covid-19 crisis pandemic.
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5 Ways Employers Can Help Employees’ Emotional Health During a Crisis
The #covid19 crisis is taking a toll on worker's mental health. People are craving stability an to get back to some form of normalcy in their lives. The mental and emotional state of having stability, certainty and comfort provided us a sense of control and safety -...
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Why We’re Grieving The Relationship We Had With Kobe Bryant
You saw it on Sunday. You thought it was the internet being the internet again with "fake news" but then you discovered it wasn't fake. It was real. Kobe has died. Feelings of shock, sadness and disbelief is what came over me when my 12 year-old granddaughter came to...
If keeping up with the Great Resignation, the Great Reset and retaining talent all while trying to navigate change with a grieving workforce is challenging for you, we’re here to support and help you prepare for the future.